Title Page
Please organize a title page as the first page of the text
file to include the following:
• Title
• Abbreviated title
• Authors and their affiliations.
• Corresponding author with complete address,
including telephone and fax number, and an e-mail
• Number of figures, tables and pages
• Up to 6 key words that do not appear in the title
The abstract (typically about, although not strictly restricted to,
250 words) should provide a concise summary of the data to
Be reviewed and major conclusions of the study. It should be
Written in complete sentences, without explicit subheadings.
Citing references should be avoided.
The introduction should briefly indicate the background of the
topic, and explain the objectives of the paper.
Captions should be used within the body of the manuscript
To outline important points.
This section should be as concise as possible and should
Contain a statement of their significance and future biomedical
Only published and “in press” references should appear in the
references list. The latest information on “in press” references
should be provided. Any “ in press” references that are
relevant for reviewers to see in order to make a well-informed
evaluation should be included as a separate document text file
along with the submitted manuscript. “Submitted” references
as well as personal communications should be cited only in
text. Authors are responsible for all personal communications
and must obtain written approval from persons cited before
submitting the paper to the Journal . Proof of such approval
may be requested by the Journal.